Lyminge 2013 approaches!

It seems that very suddenly, there is just under a week before the 2013 dig season begins! It it is very definitely a whole year since I started blogging about our excavations on Tayne Field – time has whistled by!

A view of Tayne Field from the church tower, where our dig takes place for the second year running.

A view of Tayne Field from the church tower, where our dig takes place for the second year running.

The project office here at the University of Reading has been a hive of activity organising all the things we need to take down to the dig. Gabor and I are going down to Lyminge tomorrow to get everything prepared, and to begin stripping the site. Staff and students are arriving over the weekend, to start bright and early on Monday 22nd July!

New volunteers who have signed up to the very first induction begin on Wednesday 24th July, and there are still a few spaces on the inductions later on in the season – have a look at the ‘taking part’ page in the menu at the top of this page for more information on how to get involved. If you have volunteered before you don’t need another induction, but can devote as much or as little time as you have available to help out over the season.

This season our 30x30m trench will be immediately adjacent and to the north of last year’s trench. Considering the importance of the finds we made last year, especially the ‘Great Hall’, expectations are high here in the office, and we’re all itching to get out and see what this season will bring.

I’ll be blogging as much as I can over the next six or seven weeks to keep you up to date with all the exciting finds we hope to make this summer, so do keep checking back and if you can, visit us! The website will be updated regulary with events and information, so we hope to see as many of you as can make it on our site tours (2pm each Saturday) and our Open Day on Saturday 17th August.

Please do also feel free leave comments and feedback on the blog – we love hearing from visitors and those who have been keeping up with the posts. We hope to see you in Lyminge!

We're all looking forward to being back in beautiful Lyminge

We’re all looking forward to being back in beautiful Lyminge

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One Response to Lyminge 2013 approaches!

  1. Very exciting indeed – I’m looking forward to reading the updates, and (with any luck) visiting!

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