Unless otherwise indicated, any training sessions listed here are available for University of Reading staff, or postgraduate research students (marked as RRDP) only.
Researchers; Digital Identity; Google Scholar
Latest Past Events
Managing Your Digital Researcher Profile (1-1 Sessions)
Tracking the impact and reach of your research outputs is much easier if you have a consistent digital identity. Give your digital identity a health check by looking at your Google Scholar, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID and ORCiD profiles. In … Continue reading
Managing Your Digital Researcher Profile (1-1 Sessions)
Tracking the impact and reach of your research outputs is much easier if you have a consistent digital identity. Give your digital identity a health check by looking at your Google Scholar, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID and ORCiD profiles. In … Continue reading
Managing Your Digital Researcher Profile (1-1 Sessions)
Tracking the impact and reach of your research outputs is much easier if you have a consistent digital identity. Give your digital identity a health check by looking at your Google Scholar, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID and ORCiD profiles. In … Continue reading