Chancellor’s Awards 2017: Amy Hodgman, BA Philosophy

The University of Reading Chancellor’s Awards are presented to our brightest and best students from across the University’s broad range of academic disciplines.
We spoke to one of the Department’s winners, Amy Hodgman, about why she chose to study Philosophy, and about her time here at Reading.
What inspires you about Philosophy?
Studying philosophy provides me with the opportunity to learn about the many differing ways in which people understand our world and how we should behave in it. Philosophy has allowed me to question, and then strengthen, my own ideas about life, as well as gain a much greater appreciation for others’ beliefs.
Why did you choose to come to Reading to study?
I chose to study here because of the wide range of modules the Department offer. Last year I got the chance to learn about many diverse areas of philosophy, from world religions to more modern, radical philosophies. In particular, I was really excited about studying elementary logic as this was completely new to me. Also, the campus truly felt like a community with so many on-campus bars and cafes, a brilliant Students’ Union, and a beautiful, green campus.
What was the highlight of 2016/17?
Being able to meet so many new people, and making lots of friends that I can share my time here with! I lived with a lovely group of people, joined many societies, and took up a part-time job in the local area. It was great because I have also been able to meet people of many different backgrounds to myself and have learnt a lot about the world we live in!
What do you see yourself doing in five years’ time?
I want to be teaching religious studies at a secondary school. I believe a lot of current social problems are down to society’s lack of understanding and tolerance towards others’ beliefs and ways of life. To change this, I feel it is important to educate each generation in the many religions now practised in our society.
What’s the best thing about life at Reading?
I love that there is always something to do. The town centre is close by and has many delicious restaurants I love to eat in! There are some beautiful places to walk around, from the on-campus Harris Garden, to a walk along the river to Sonning. I also enjoy being a part of different societies, such as Reading University’s Christian Union and the Domestic DIY Society.
Can you sum up the University of Reading in three words?
Full of opportunities!
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