
On Saturday 16th July we held an archaeology day on site for those with MS and their families and friends. Sadly the weather was not kind – we could not dig on site and it was cold and blustery. Nonetheless Kevin and his family visited us, along with John and Helen – and we showed them the variety of activities an archaeologist does on site – we talked through finds processing and Elise brought out some of our prize finds; Cindy showed off our sampling system and described the environmental evidence an archaeologist works with and looks for – and I took them around site and talked about digging techniques. Their enthusiasm was infectious: Helen had studied Archaeology at Bournemouth University before being diagnosed with MS, and she loved to dig; John is a trainee chef who has always had an interest in Archaeology – and Kevin’s daughter Maddy was clearly an archaeologist in the making! It was an inspiring day.


A Finds Talk from Elise






























Science at Silchester




Cindy explains Science @ Silchester










Hen's 1st century AD well





Maddy et al in the Dig Pit






Reading Chronicle's article

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