Friday 28th June

Despite the overnight rain today was a good day! Why? Well, the quality of my team for one.

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Jon meets me every morning to carry my bag with a smile on his face.

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Early morning coffee with a smile

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Raindrops and coffee


Cindy, my wonderful Science@Silchester manager


Cindy’s Assistant Tom with our sample backlog from 2012


Leslie, one of our Finds trainees, gets stuck in to washing Insula III finds (of which there are many!)


And glorious Alan of course – without whom I would be a puddle of despair

Are we downhearted? Not at all. We have had a fantastic 2 lead-in weeks. The worst is nearly over! Once the troops arrive it is plain sailing all the way! Wish me luck as I prepare to greet 113 people on Sunday….the 17th season of the Silchester ‘Town Life’ project is about to begin!

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