Sunday, Sunday

A beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon with the heat building. What better way to greet our newcomers? We had a very successful afternoon – everybody arrived…to a greater or lesser extent! The minibus poured out people, parents arrived and trudged across the campsite with offsprings’ tent baggage in tow, old hands greeted one another in excitement… I wandered around with lists.


The campsite fills up – look at that sky!


Tent City


Staff Ghetto


Do we have enough portaloos?

I meet and greet all newcomers with a ‘welcome’ talk – skating over the fact that one thing has gone terribly wrong……the generator. So – no hot water, no tea in the morning……But the excitement of the evening drives all thoughts of the next day away…..


We all gather in the marquee for ‘family’ dinner! Everyone sits in Supervisor groups on Sunday night

Meet Veronica – a very very welcome addition to the team! Veronica will supervise evening meals and keep the hungry hordes at bay!


Veronica and first night helpers!

There is enough food – roast chicken – and I breathe a sigh of relief. I allow myself a glass of wine with John Brown as the sun goes down. Before leaving I climb the spoil heap and look out over the next 6 weeks of work. It is a peaceful moment, and one I will remember.


The Saga Louts’ pub


Day’s end

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