Blackboard Course Rollover: a reminder of actions required – and an interactive model

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What is Course Rollover?

Course rollover is the annual process whereby Blackboard courses from the current academic year are copied for use in the next academic year.

This year Course Rollover will take place on Saturday 8th July 2017


Read on for a summary of how Rollover will work for your course, and what action (if any) you need to take.

Or, if you prefer a more visual approach to this, please check out this interactive model of your rollover options.

Course Rollover model

With thanks to Jonathan Rajadurai, Analyst Programmer (TEL) in the IT TEL & AV Team.


What action is required?

Blackboard courses linked to a single RISIS module or programme

The default position is that any RISIS module or programme

  • which was used in Blackboard in the current academic year (i.e. in 2016-17)
  • and is scheduled to run again in the new academic year (i.e. in 2017-18)

will be copied forward.

The vast majority of Blackboard courses fall into this category.


If a course you are teaching or supporting meets these criteria, and you are happy for the 2016-17 course to be copied forward, NO ACTION IS REQUIRED AT THIS TIME.


You can check that your course is scheduled to be copied by searching the Course Copy Status page at

Courses included in the forthcoming Course Rollover will display as SCHEDULED – AUTO.


If your course is not shown here, please check:

  • was the course used in Blackboard in 2016-17?
  • is the module scheduled in RISIS for 2017-18? (your programme administrator can check this for you)


What if I don’t want my course to be copied?

If you would prefer to set your 2017-18 course up from scratch, perhaps with a new menu structure, and uploading only the specific content you need for the coming year, IT will provide you with a blank course shell.

An opt-out form is available for staff who do not want their 2016-17 course to be copied forward.

DEADLINE: 1st July

Please note that this opt-out form is only accessible to staff who are identified in RISIS as Module Convenor for 2017-18 modules.


Other options

What if the course did not run in 2016-17?

What if my module has a new code in RISIS?

What if I am teaching a completely new module?


Shared Courses

Shared Courses are not copied forward by default.

If you are responsible for a Shared Course in Blackboard and you want it copied forward for use in 2017-18, please use the Course Copy Request Form. Under ‘Select Type of Course Copy’ select Shared -> Shared, and make any changes required.

DEADLINE to be included in the main Course Rollover: 1st July


Non-RISIS courses

Non-RISIS Courses are not copied forward by default.

If you are responsible for a non-RISIS Course in Blackboard and you want it copied forward for use in 2017-18, please use the Course Copy Request Form. Under ‘Select Type of Course Copy’ select Single -> Single, and make any changes required.

DEADLINE to be included in the main Course Rollover: 1st July



What is copied during Course Rollover?

Course content and staff enrolments (Instructors, Teaching Assistants and External Examiners) will be copied as part of rollover.

In addition all staff identified as a 2017-18 Module Convenor in RISIS will be enrolled on the corresponding Blackboard course.

full details of what is and is not copied



For more detailed information on Course Rollover, please see the Course Rollover page on this blog.


If you have any queries, please log them with the IT Service Desk.