Internal event: Meta-analysis of TSCF data

Room 19 Russell Building Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire

For University of Reading staff and students only Talk by Ben Jones 'Meta-analysis of TSCF data and the environmental fate models sensitivity to changes in plant uptake'

Internal event: Soil carbon storage

Room 19 Russell Building Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire

For University of Reading staff and students only Talk by Dedy Antony 'Factors affecting soil carbon storage at depth under different land uses in the UK'

Internal event: Ghanaian cocoa soils

Frank Parkinson room, Agriculture Whiteknights

For University of Reading staff and students only Talk by Betty Amponsah-Doku 'Effects of land management on the chemical properties of Ghanaian cocoa soils'

Internal event: Catchment Management

Room 19 Russell Building Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire

For University of Reading staff and students only Talk by Charlotte Hawkins 'Developing optical methods for catchment management to protect drinking water'

Internal Event: Rhizosphere microbial community structure

Frank Parkinson room, Agriculture Whiteknights

For University of Reading staff and students only Talk by Harriet Robson 'How do plant x plant interactions affect rhizosphere microbial community structure and function?'

Internal event: Analysis of soil carbon

Room 19 Russell Building Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire

For University of Reading staff and students only Talk by Chris Collins 'Spectroscopic approaches to analysis of soil carbon'