Bees, climate and food: the Reading research listed among world’s elite

Reading’s research on bees and pollinators is among the highest profile in the world – Picture (c) Dara Stanley

Ecology, climate and food science have helped to put the University of Reading in a group of the world’s elite research institutions in a new analysis of the most cited scientific papers.

The Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers table lists more than 3,300 most cited scientists in the world – those who have published a high number of papers ranking in the top 1% most-cited in their respective fields over the last 11 years.

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Does bacon really cause cancer?

By Dr Gunter Kuhnle, Nutritional epidemiologist, University of Reading

A few years ago, the decision by the WHO to classify processed meat as carcinogenic to humans has resulted in a lot of headlines. Unsurprisingly, comparing a full English breakfast with cigarettes didn’t go down too well.

This was of course an exaggeration – but the fact remains that processed meat consumption can increase the risk of bowel cancer.

So what are the real risks?

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Institute of Molecular Biology and Applied Biology Seminar

Dr Mark Bücking (Head of Department Environmental & Food Analysis) and Dr Matthias Kotthoff (Head of Laboratory Environmental & Food Analysis) from the Institute of Molecular Biology and Applied Biology (IME), Fraunhofer Research Organisation in Germany are presenting on the research activities of IME, and discuss the potential for collaborative opportunities.