Presentation by Fraunhofer Institute

On Wednesday the 5th of April two senior people from the Fraunhofer Research Organisation in Germany will visit us, more specifically from the Institute of Molecular Biology and Applied Biology (IME); Dr Mark Bücking (Head of Department Environmental & Food Analysis) and Dr Matthias Kotthoff (Head of Laboratory Environmental & Food Analysis).

They will give a presentation on the research activities of IME, and are really keen to engage in discussions on potential collaborative opportunities.

The presentation will start at 10:00 in Chemistry LTG (lecture theatre at ground floor) and the room is booked until 12:00, so if you would like to have discussions with them feel free to stay; if you could please let me know that would be great.

Harwell facilities showcase

SEE THE LIGHT: How Harwell could transform your research

Event open to all University of Reading staff

Scientists from the Harwell Science Campus, near Didcot, will come to the Henley Business School building in Reading on 28 March (from 11am to 4pm) to talk about how their facilities could help transform research.

They will provide case studies in subject areas including Archaeology; Biomedical Sciences; Chemistry; Computer Science and Modelling; Environmental Sciences; Food Science; Meteorology/Modelling; and Pharmacy.

The Harwell campus is just 20 miles from Reading, and is run by the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council and the Wellcome Trust. Use of the facilities are free at the point of use for any academic whose research proposal is approved by a panel of international experts.

This event will showcase the world-leading scientific facilities, including the Diamond Light Source. The facilities at Harwell provide transformational capacity and capability which can be applied in many disciplines, and are already used by many Reading researchers.

Harwell Director, Andrew Harrison, will give an overview of the facilities, the science they permit, and the breakthroughs achieved there.

Reading and Harwell researchers will also speak about what the work they have already done and their experience of working with the Harwell teams.

Facilities showcased will include:

  • the UK’s nationalsynchrotron science facility, the Diamond Light Source
  • The Membrane Protein Lab for x-ray crystallography
  • the Electron Bio-Imaging Centre for single particle analysis and cryo-tomography
  • the Central Laser Facility
  • the ‘super microscopes’ in the ISIS suite of neutron and muon instruments
  • Plus the computing facilities, laboratories and shared facilities for both life and physical science research groups.

There will be plenty of opportunity for small group discussions and informal conversations with the team from Harwell and Reading colleagues.

The event will help you find out about how to apply to use the facilities and the support you can access.

Harwell Central Facilities Showcase Event

Tuesday 28 March 2017 (11am to 4pm), Henley Business School

Please RSVP to the Research Deans Office

Further information available from: Caroline Knowles, Head of Research Communications and Engagement (

EU funding experiences: bees, benefits and Brexit

EU-Food lunchtime seminar:  Experiences of EU funding – bees, benefits and Brexit

Speaker: Professor Simon Potts

Date/time: Wednesday 8th March, 12:30-13:30.  Lunch will be provided.

Location:  Frank Parkinson room, Agriculture bldg (room booked till 2pm)

In this lunchtime session, Simon Potts will share his experience of EU funding – as project coordinator, partner, and expert reviewer – his journey of ‘getting into the EU’, and his long-term planning and approach in preparing for EU bids.

Please register by 22nd Feb by emailing indicating event title and any dietary requirements (so we can ensure adequate provision of sandwiches).  Thank you.


For EU funding opportunities see Horizon 2020

H2020 funding opportunities

EU Horizon 2020 Research Funding Opportunities, UKRO annual event

Date:  Tuesday 28th March 2017

Location:  Room 1L08, Agriculture building (bldg nr 59 on map ), Earley Gate, Whiteknights campus

The Reading EU team is pleased to invite you to an EU research funding event with external and case study speakers, presenting on research and innovation funding opportunities under Horizon 2020. Two European Advisors (UK Research Office in Brussels) will be visiting for the day, as well as the UK National Contact Point for Societal Challenge 6 ‘Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies’ who will present on embedding the SSH agenda in Horizon 2020. Early information on the next Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 (to be published autumn 2017) will be provided, with emphasis on areas of specific interest to Reading.  There will also be opportunities for networking. Anyone interested in EU funding is encouraged to attend.

Please register by emailing indicating morning and/or afternoon session, by 17th March latest please.

This event is for University of Reading staff.

If you have questions, email Mischa Phillips:

Edith Mary Gayton Memorial Lecture

Edith Mary Gayton Memorial Lecture: Food and farming: managing agricultural production systems in turbulent times

The annual Edith Mary Gayton Memorial Lecture will be held on Tuesday 21 February 2017. Edith Mary Gayton was an agricultural graduate of the University of Reading in the 1930s. Little is known of her later career and life but, in his will, her husband made a bequest to Reading in her memory stipulating that the funds should be used in the field of agriculture and management. The annual Memorial Lecture is one use of these funds.

Our lecture this year will be delivered by Judith Batchelar. Judith is the director of Sainsbury’s Brand for 13 years. Judith is responsible for all aspects of Sainsbury’s product offer, from Policy formation on aspects such as Animal Welfare, Ethical and Sustainable Sourcing, through to Product Technology, Product Development, Product Safety, and Packaging.  Essentially, she drives the Quality and Innovation agendas whilst protecting and enhancing the reputation of Sainsbury’s Brand. She has worked in the food and drink industry for 35 years.  Judith is a member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), and fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Manufactures, and for the last 3 years has Co-Chaired the Government’s AgriFoodTech Council working on the implementation of the UK’s first AgriFood sector strategy.

The lecture will be held in the Madejski Lecture Theatre, Agriculture Building at the University of Reading. Refreshments will be available from 18:15 hrs and the lecture will commence at 19:00.