Far from the realms of smart grid research, Laura Daniels has just returned from her Cricket Without Boundaries (CWB) project in Uganda.
In her time away, she was involved in a project where one thousand seven hundred children were ‘officially’ coached and countless more involved in catching games. Fifty two teachers leaving with the equipment and skills to deliver the vital HIV/AIDS awareness messages through the game of cricket. She cannot wait to go back and be involved in the vital community engagement work that is needed in the North Ugandan area still suffering from the devastation caused by the Lord’s Resistance Army.
Laura had raised £750 in order to go on the project and is grateful to all those who donated or bought raffle tickets.
You can find out more about the trip at: http://cwbblogs.com/northuganda2013/2013/05/01/project-reflections/
and more about the charity, its work and how to get involved at: