‘Small power in offices may lead to big energy DEMAND’

Posted on 15 January 2016 by Mary Pothitou

This research on ‘Energy demand and working practices in office buildings’ is associated with the project ‘Negotiating needs and expectations in commercial buildings’ which in turn is part of the ‘DEMAND’ (Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand) Energy Centre Programtsbe-mary-pothitoume funded by the ESRC/EPSRC with support from ECLEER (EDF R&D), Transport for London and the International Energy Agency.  DEMAND is a collaborative research project led by Lancaster University and involving researchers from a number of UK-based universities, including the University of Reading and EDF Energy (see www.demand.ac.uk).

In particular, ‘Negotiating needs and expectations in commercial buildings’ research is focused on understanding how energy is used in offices. One of the highest end-uses in the offices sector is frequently categorised as ‘small power’, which typically covers a range of ‘plug-in’ office equipment. However, little is known about this use category and what are the key determinants of energy use within it.  This forms the focus of this project on ‘Energy demand and working practices in office buildings’. The specific contribution of this project will be to improve current understanding of how current working practices of different occupancy types and occupational groups affect office buildings.

Mary Pothitou – Doctoral Research Engineer (EngD) – Email: m.pothitou@pgr.reading.ac.uk

Profile: https://www.reading.ac.uk/tsbe/Current-research-projects/EngDProfiles/m-pothitou.aspx

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