32nd Annual ARCOM Conference
Between Monday 5th and Wednesday 7th September 2016, the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) 32nd Annual Conference was held in Manchester, UK. The conference covered a wide range of themes from ‘Mega Projects’ to ‘House Building’. Out of 360 entries, 127 final papers were accepted. I had the privilege of being able to present the latest stage of my research as part of the ‘Through-life Performance Management’ session, under the title of “A Soft Systems Methodology Approach to the Improvement of a Housing Association’s Defects Management and Learning Systems”. The conference was an ideal opportunity to face interesting questions about the research. One of the highlights of the conference for me personally was the session on house building, where defects, production strategies and customer satisfaction in one of the construction industry’s “less fashionable”, but hugely important areas were discussed with enthusiasm.
Tony Hopkin