Category: Default Post

Our Changing Climate – extra activity

For the last four weeks, the University of Reading and the Walker Institute have been running a Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled Our Changing Climate: Past, Present and Future. This week, the course participants are looking into how cities impact and are impacted by climate change and there is still time to sign up. …

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Our Changing Climate – Free online course.

Throughout 2014, members of the ACTUAL team have been developing material to contribute to a Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) on climate change impacts, developed by the Walker Institute at the University of Reading. The course, entitled “Our changing climate: past, present and future” began on the 10th of November but continues to allow sign-ups. …

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Snoozing in the heat

This morning Janet Barlow was the Mystery Guest on Radio 2’s Chris Evans Breakfast Show. Listen to Janet from 2:10:00 (if available in your country). The show had previously asked the question of its listeners “how do you get to sleep in this heat?”. Today’s show was dedicated to everyone that has been using the …

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ACTUAL members present at EGU 2014

ACTUAL project members Christos Halios and Alex Boon presented material at the European Geophysical Union’s General Assembly in Vienna this month (27th April -2nd May). Christos’ poster describes some of the findings from our lidar setup on the Westminster City Council building in London and at a rural location (Chilbolton) outside of the city. The …

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UK Storm data captured on the BT tower

In recent days the UK news has been awash with details of fallen trees and more meteorological statistics than we usually are privy to in a full month. Available now in our graphical database is BT tower data from yesterday morning (28th October 2013) when the St Jude’s Day storm hit central London. Windspeeds were …

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ACTUAL presentations at Physmod 2013

Two of the ACTUAL PhD students Aidan Brocklehurst and Wagner Nogiera Neto presented their work at this year’s Physmod conference held at the EnFlo laboratories of the University of Surrey. Aidan’s talk entitled “Wind Tunnel Measurement of the Source Area of a Rooftop Meteorological Mast in an Urban Area” described a possible new direction for …

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ACTUAL researchers present at European Meteorology Society Annual Meeting

This week ACTUAL researchers have been busy at the 13th annual meeting of the European Meteorological Society. Presenting in a range of sessions such as Urban Climate and Energy Meteorology, our researchers ensured that ACTUAL was well covered at the conference. Abstracts and presentations can be found on the outputs section of the site.

Heatwave in the UK – ‘altering the design of our cities to beat future heat’

Last week, principal investigator of ACTUAL, Prof. Janet Barlow, appeared on BBC News to discuss the current heatwave in the UK. Over the course of the last week, we’ve been experiencing the warmest temperatures since 2006. It gets particularly hot in our cities as the Urban Heat Island can keep night-time temperatures as much as …

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Prof. Janet Barlow’s Public Lecture: “Hot in the City”

Prof. Janet Barlow, Director of the Actual Project and the Centre for Technologies for Sustainable Built Environments (TSBE) will be giving a public lecture entitled “Hot in the City”. The lecture will be held on the 14th of November at 8:00pm, Palmer Building, Whiteknights Campus. Please see the flyer below for more information.

Visualization of wind above central London

We are experimenting with visualizations of the windspeed measured by our Doppler lidar over central London. The movie below shows data measured on 30th September 2011 when there was a strong Urban Heat Island. The movie shows how wind at various heights blows pollution around over the period from midnight to 6 am – 2 …

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