Category: Default Post

“ACTUAL” instruments contribute to pollution experiments during the olympics

From Monday 23rd July, ACTUAL will be taking part in the ClearfLo project to measure the effect of meteorology and chemistry on London’s air pollution during the Olympics. Some of the instruments of the ACTUAL project will be used for data collection during the intensive observation period. The IOP will last until the 23rd of …

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International Conference on Urban Climate 8 (ICUC8)- Dublin, Ireland

The ACTUAL Project group will be attending the International Conference on Urban Climate, ICUC8, at UCD in Dublin, Ireland. All the abstracts can be found in our Outputs page. The project has grown in size, welcoming Dr. Daniel Drew and Dr. Christoforos Halios to our team. The list of accepted Oral presentation of the conference …

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Dr. Curtis Wood visits NORDFLUX, Denmark

Dr. Curtis Wood has recently been to Denmark, where he made a presentation to the NORFLUX Network (Nordic Research Network). If you’d like to find out more, please access the NORDFLUX link. (NB. Curtis has now moved to the Finnish Meteorological Institute: see

Royal Meteorological Society Student Conference Presentations

The presentations given at the Royal Meteorological Society Student Conference in Exeter by the ACTUAL PhD students Aidan Brocklehurst, Sian Lane and Wagner Nogueira Neto are now available in the outputs page for download. Should you have any problems, please contact the webmaster. See the Contacts page.

Professor Stuart Bradley, University of Auckland, NZ

Professor Stuart Bradley, from the University of Auckland, visited our department during the month of june and july, where he worked on the development of a new equipment to be added to the ACTUAL Urban Laboratory. Professor Bradley will be working with the ACTUAL group throughtout the duration of the project. For more information on …

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International Workshop on Urban Weather and Climate – Beijing, China

The International Workshop on Urban Weather and Climate, Observation and Modelling will take place between the 12th and 15th of July. The ACTUAL group director, Dr. Janet Barlow and project manager, Dr. Curtis Wood will be attending the event. Two aspects of the ACTUAL project will be presented in the workshop. Dr. Barlow talk will …

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Royal Meteorological Society Student Conference, 2011

The Royal Meteorological Society Student Conference will be held from the 30th of June to the 2nd of July, 2011 at the University of Exeter. The ACTUAL Ph.D. students Aidan Brocklehurst, Siân Lane and Wagner Nogueira Neto will be presenting their projects. For more information, please access the Student Conference website and for more details …

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Janet Barlow Appointed as the Director of the TSBE

Dr. Janet Barlow has been appointed as the new directior of the Centre for Technologies for Sustainable Built Environments (TSBE) within the School of Construction Management and Engineering. For more details, click here.

ACTUAL Website Launched

The ACTUAL website is launched and presented to all project members on 4th April 2011 at ARUP, London.

ACTUAL Website Development

The ACTUAL website is currently under development.