For reference, a summary of the setup for CCMI-1 is collected on this page. You can find information on:

  • accessing the archived model outputs from CCMI-1
  • the data request
  • a description of the experimental setup and forcing data

Access to model data archived from CCMI-1

A list of models that participated in Phase One of CCMI, along with a brief description of the models, can be found here.

Most data are stored at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) in the United Kingdom and can directly be accessed through their website. As detailed below, there are a couple of modelling groups that serve their data directly, through an ESGF-type server, and these can be accessed through the links given a bit further down.

In order to get access follow the instructions below:

1) Register with the BADC/CEDA:

  • Apply for deposit access by hitting the ‘apply for access’ button on the CEDA webpage.
  • You will obtain your own user name and login.

2) Once you have an account you can apply for access to CCMI-1 data by visiting the CCMI-1 dataset web pages:

  • Go to CCMI Project page at CEDA
  • Choose one of the listed datasets, e.g. ‘ETH-PMOD’, and apply for access to the data by hitting the ‘Apply for access’ button.
  • This will take you to a web form which will be submitted to the CCMI-1 principal investigator for approval.
  • Once your application has been approved, you will have access to all available CCMI data sets so you do not need to apply for each single model data set.
  • Note, only a very limited number of available model data are listed in the on-line catalogue, although more model output is available. The most reliable way to see all of the models and simulations available is through ftp (, using your CEDA username and password. Once logged on, follow badc/wcrp-ccmi/data/output to find the full list of available model output. Note that you can also explore the same directory listing in a browser window here.

3) Start downloading the model data you are looking for:

  • To the best of our knowledge, ftp has been the most widely used way to download data from the archive. This can be done interactively from the ftp command line but there is also a script that uses the ftp protocol to search through the archive for a particular field and download any matches. The script was developed by Paul Young and there are two, slightly different versions available. The one we have found is most widely supported uses the wget utility and a copy of the script can be found here. An alternate version uses lftp and a copy of this version can be found here.

4) Please make sure you follow the CCMI data policy, which you will find here. Note that the requirement to offer co-authorship to the modelling groups that provided CCMI-1 data used in publications expired on March 31, 2019.

Data access other than BADC

Model name Access location


Data Request for CCMI-1

The data request for CCMI-1 reference and sensitivity simulations supports model evaluations and analysis for the upcoming ozone and climate assessments.

>> CCMI-1 data request contact/information: Michaela Hegglin Latest Update 06/10/13

Previous CCM Intercomparisons

For reference, links to data requests for previous CCM intercomparisons are provided here.

>> ACCMIP data request Latest Update 12/19/11
>> CCMVal-2 data request contact/information: Veronika Eyring Latest Update 06/06/08


Experiments and Forcing Data

The majority of the forcings for the CCMI-1 reference and sensitivity simulations can be downloaded via the links provided in the CCMI-1 Simulation Document:

Eyring, V., J.-F. Lamarque et al., Overview of IGAC/SPARC Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative (CCMI) Community Simulations in Support of Upcoming Ozone and Climate Assessments, SPARC Newsletter No. 40, p. 48-66, 2013

Information on additional forcings

  • Surface mixing ratios of Ozone Depleting SubstancesCFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-114, CFC-115, CCl4, CH3CCl3, HCFC-22, HCFC-141b, HCFC-142b, Halon1211, Halon1202, Halon1301, Halon2402, CH3Cl, and CH3Br (Table 5-A3 of WMO [2011]).
>> ODS forcing 1950-2100 contact/information: Guus Velders Latest Update 08/05/13
>> ODS forcing 1850-2100* contact/information: Doug Kinnison Latest Update 12/04/13

*Note that data after 1951 are the same as in the file above except for CH3Cl from 1951-1954.

  • Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO)
>> QBO forcing contact/information: Markus Kunze Latest Update 08/06/13

  • Surface Area Densities (SADs), stratospheric heating rates, aerosol albedo and tropospheric-surface cooling due to volcanic eruptions
>> SAD forcing contact/information: Thomas Peter, Beiping Luo Latest Update 02/18/13

  • Update on the anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions (MACCity)
>> MACCity 1960-2008 contact/information: Claire Granier Latest Update 03/08/13