Accessibility Awareness for Social Media


We are offering an online session on Accessibility Awareness for Social Media Tuesday as part of the Global Accessibility Awareness Day Celebrations at the University of Reading. This is aimed at staff and students at the University (especially for those who post content on University official social media channels). Please register to attend. Register onContinue reading Accessibility Awareness for Social Media

Webinar: What is alternative text?


We are hosting a guest talk by Matthew Deeprose, Accessible Solutions Architect at the University of Southampton on "What is alternative text? How do I write it for images, charts, and graphs?" as part of the Global Accessibility Awareness Day Celebrations. The session will be held online. Register to attend on UoRLearn

Enabling Interactivity – Microsoft 365 Apps in the Classroom (CQSD TEL Webinar)

This session is for academic staff who would like to learn about some of the technologies that can facilitate interaction between teachers and students. Professional services staff are also welcome to attend. In this practical session, we will demonstrate Microsoft 365 applications such as, Microsoft Forms for classroom polling, collaborative documents in Word or OneNote,Continue reading Enabling Interactivity – Microsoft 365 Apps in the Classroom (CQSD TEL Webinar)