The annual Pro Bono Fair held at Foxhill House on Wednesday 16th October attracted an even larger attendance than usual: judging by the application forms distributed, over 200 students came through the doors. Stallholders included outside organisations with which the Law School has a longstanding link, such as CAB, Resolve Mediation, and the British Red Cross; newer organisations such as the IPSEA (Independent Parental Special Education Advice) Helpline, Victim Support, and Amicus; our own Streetlaw and Access to Law; and student organisations which offer opportunities for voluntary work, such as Peer Support, the Howard League for Penal Reform, and Amnesty International. The University’s RED Award scheme also had a stall, to remind students that participation in any of these projects and organisations can be the basis of eligibility for a RED Award (Reading Experience and Development), which is noted on the student’s transcript. Stalls were kept busy until very near the closing time.
Thanks are due to all who contributed to the success of the event, especially to students who staffed stalls, and to the team from the Student Law Society who set up the rooms and restored them to order!