Dr Katja Samuel of the School of Law, and member of the Global Law at Reading (GLAR) research grouping, was awarded the Peter Birks Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship by the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) at their annual conference dinner on the 2nd September, for her monograph, The OIC, the UN, and Counter-Terrorism Law-Making: Conflicting or Cooperative Legal Orders?,published in 2014 by Hart, Oxford. The prize is awarded to the author of the most outstanding book published by a scholar in their early career, in any area of legal study. Katja’s book focused on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (formerly the Organisation of the Islamic Conference), its relationship with the United Nations, and counter-terrorism law-making activity. Professor Paul Almond, School Director of Research, said “This is a richly deserved award for a highly talented colleague with great potential, and fitting recognition for what is by any measure a fantastic book”. Dr Samuel will receive a prize of £1000 from the SLS.