New teaching and research developments in Global Law and Disasters

GLAR is excited to announce its new teaching and research activities in global law and disasters which build upon and develop colleagues’ existing expertise across a wide spectrum of legal regimes. During the past ten years alone, an estimated 1.5 billion people were affected by some form of disaster, with the likely number, intensity and impact of crises, emergencies, conflicts and disasters likely to continue increasing. This is reflected in current and emerging global priorities such as the Hyogo Framework for Action 2 on disaster risk reduction, UN Climate Change Conference 2015, UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015, and forthcoming World Humanitarian Summit 2016 which seek an increasingly integrated, multidimensional approach to related issues.

The School of Law, in collaboration with a number of other schools at the University of Reading, has developed a unique, flexible, multidisciplinary new programme which capitalizes on the significant expertise of colleagues across the University: LLM/Postgraduate Diploma/Postgraduate Certificate in Global Crisis, Conflict, and Disaster Management, which will commence 2016/17. Expected to appeal especially to early and mid-career law and non-law professionals, the new programme – which is the first of its kind anywhere in the world – examines the role and significance of global (ie national, regional and international) law and policy across the spectrum of crises, conflicts and disasters whether ‘man-made’ and/or ‘natural’ in origin. More details on this programme can be found on the Postgraduate taught study page.

In parallel, GLAR colleagues are busy developing their research expertise on global law and disasters, with a number of projects already in progress (see the Projects and Recent Publications page). The School of Law also expects to be in a position soon to be able to offer CPD, consultancy advice and to engage in research projects on these and related matters. For further information, please contact the programme director and lead on international disaster law research, Dr Katja L.H. Samuel (

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