The CCDCOE has committed to host a project to revise and expand the influential Tallinn Manual 2.0 on International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations. Professor Mike Schmitt, who directed the Tallinn Manual 2.0 effort and was its General Editor, will serve as the Director and Co-General Editor of the Tallinn Manual 3.0 project. In reaction to being invited to serve again as Project Director, Professor Schmitt noted, “The Tallinn Manual 2.0 International Group of Experts is proud of the extent to which its work has proven useful to States and the broader international community. But as the technology advances and the reliance of societies on cyberspace grows, States are taking stands through their pronouncements and practice on how international law governs cyber activities. If the Tallinn Manual process is to remain valuable to those who shoulder cyber responsibilities on behalf of their nations, we must act now to ensure it remains an accurate reflection of the current state of the law.” For more information on the project, see: CCDCOE