With textbooks in increasingly high demand even after the end of term, we’ve made sure our policy ensures fair access to all. It will be ‘business as usual’ with all loan periods remaining the same in vacation as all term. This means that items will not be issued to cover the whole Christmas vacation.
So just keep renewing your loans unless or until someone else recalls them. If the book needs to come back, we’ll email you … so keep checking your University account! You can even return loans by post if you prefer. If your account is blocked please contact the Library and we will discuss the situation with you.
This means you can place holds on books on loan in vacations. The threat of fines on non-returned books should help Library users return them for you!
What about Christmas holidays and Uni Closure?
We know the short Christmas break also spans public holidays and the Christmas University Closure (Friday 23 December to Monday 2 January – see our Opening hours page for more information), so we’ve made special allowances. Any journals, 7-day loans or Course Collection items borrowed from Friday 16 December until the Christmas University Closure will be due back on Tuesday 3 January (by 10:00 for Course Collection items). No items will be due back between Friday 23 December and Monday 2 January.
Happy holidays!
Lucy Shott, Library User Services