Our finding your way sessions have now ended but there is still plenty of support available, online and in person, to help you make the most of the Library.
We’ll be posting ‘Finding Your Way’ tips each week throughout the autumn term on all our social media channels. These tips will highlight ways to make the most of the Library and all the services we offer. We’ve already posted about finding a book and placing a hold – head to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram for more information. Watch out for our new tip next week!
Who can you ask for help?
Liaison librarians
There is a dedicated liaison librarian for every subject at the University. Your liaison librarian can support your studies by:
• showing you how to use information resources effectively – your librarian can offer training sessions for your School/Department and online library guides for your subject
• showing you how to save time by making the most of all our Library services
• giving you individual help with research – your librarian can offer in depth one-to-one help in finding information, including identifying the most relevant e-resources for you to use
Contact your subject liaison librarian to arrange a meeting.
Other help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help at an Information Desk! Go to the URS Ground Floor Information Desk for general enquiries. Go to the Library Building, 2nd or 3rd Floor Desks for help finding books.
Further information
To keep up to date with the latest Library news, visit this Library blog and our social media channels.
Katie Moore, Trainee Liaison Librarian