Problems with off-campus access to Taylor & Francis eBook platform

There is currently an issue for some users when accessing the Taylor & Francis eBook platform off-campus. When using our links off-campus, the user may find the platform slow to load, and then aren’t authenticated when they reach it.

Open laptop

This problem does not appear to affect everyone. However, for those that are, OpenAthens (the company who manages our authentication system) have created a temporary solution. To access off-campus, affected users can use this link. 

You will be able to login as usual with this link, with your IT username and password. This link will take you to the Taylor & Francis eBook platform, from where you can search for the eBook you wish to access. There may be a slight delay in the search bar appearing.

On-campus access should still work, although it may be a little slower. So when on-campus please access Taylor & Francis eBooks via the usual routes. We have added this alternative link into the A-Z database entry for the platform.

If you affected by this issue, please do contact the E-team at or via our e-resources problem report form. We aren’t sure the cause of the issue currently, so having details of affected users will help us and Taylor and Francis to investigate.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Lindsay Warwick, E-resources Team