We’ve gone red!

Our website has been transformed to a Reading red and now matches the rest of the University. There will be further changes later on in the summer when Study Advice and Maths Support are added to our website, so you can find all the study support information you need in one place.

library website


Our subject guides have also been updated following student feedback so that they should be easier to use. They now include information about online reading lists as well as finding books, journal articles, e-resources and websites relevant to your subject.

Biology libguide

We hope you like these changes, you can get in touch with us on Twitter if you have any feedback.


Rosie Higman, Library Web Assistant

Problems with My Account on Enterprise

Laptop, tablet and mobile on a deskMy Account on Enterprise, the library catalogue, is currently unavailable. This means you will be unable to place Holds, renew loans or make inter-library loan requests.

If you need to urgently renew your loans please contact the Library by email

We are working on fixing the problem – apologies for any inconvenience caused in the meantime.

Natalie Guest, Document Delivery Coordinator