Unlock Your Legal Superpowers with Free Westlaw UK Online Training!

Hey there, future legal eagles! 🌟

Are you ready to soar to new heights in your legal career? Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of law or already swimming with the sharks, Westlaw is here to equip you with the skills you need to conquer the legal world.

What’s the Scoop?

Free Online Training: Yes, you read that right. No strings attached.

Platform:  Microsoft Teams.

Content: This training offers an in-depth look into Westlaw’s features and how to leverage them to your advantage. From navigating the interface to mastering advanced search techniques.

Interactive Q&A: Have burning questions? You can ask away and get real-time answers.

Expert Instructors: Sessions are conducted by Westlaw experts.

Where to sign-up : Refer to the Schedule and register for a seat.

Online videos : You may also view online videos.

A Little Humour to Keep Things Light

Why did the law student bring a ladder to the library? Because they heard the bar was high! 😂

Final Thoughts

This is more than just a training session; it’s a golden opportunity to enhance your legal research prowess and make you the star of your study group. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn from the best and become a Westlaw aficionado.

Navigating Generative AI: The Dos and Don’ts for Students

Hey there, future scholars! 📚

Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is a fantastic tool for students, but it comes with some important guidelines to ensure it’s a helpful study companion.
Here are the dos and don’ts you need to keep in mind:


  1. Research Assistance: Use AI to generate ideas, summaries, and suggestions for your research or assignments.
  2. Learning Aid: It’s great for clarifying complex topics and practicing essay writing.
  3. Time Management: Save time on routine tasks to focus on deeper learning.


  1. Plagiarize: Never copy-paste generated content. Always rephrase and give credit when using AI-generated text.
  2. Overreliance: Don’t let AI do all the work. Use it as a supplement, not a replacement for your own thinking.
  3. Verify Information: Always double-check facts and data produced by AI. AI can make mistakes, so trust but verify.

For more guidelines please refer to this site prepared by the University Library.

Remember, AI is a tool, not a magic wand. Use it wisely and responsibly, and it can be a valuable part of your educational journey. Happy studying! 📖✨

Unveiling the POWER of Law Trove: Unbox this online resource

Justice delayed is justice denied.” These words by the renowned judge William E. Gladstone resonate with the essence of our legal system, where knowledge and access to resources are paramount. As budding lawyers, it is crucial to equip yourself with the tools necessary to navigate the complex realm of the law. We are excited to introduce you to an invaluable resource that will aid you in your journey towards legal excellence – Law Trove.

Accessing this treasure trove of legal wisdom is made easier with two essential PDF flyers, which we’re recommending to guide you through the ins and outs of this online platform.

Flyer #1: Law Trove FDOC
Before you can access the wealth of knowledge Law Trove offers, you need to know how to get started. Our first PDF flyer provides a step-by-step guide on how to find the platform and sign in, ensuring that you have seamless access to the invaluable resources within.

Flyer #2: Law Trove pdf and video guides
Our second PDF flyer is your treasure map to the most useful explanatory materials found on the site.

To access the two essential PDF flyers that will kickstart your journey with Law Trove, simply click on this link: Law Trove PDF Flyers. These flyers will be your companions in understanding the platform and leveraging its vast resources to your advantage.

Cashless Payment

You may now make cashless payment at the LRC e.g. fines, with your e-wallet or mobile banking app. This will be an added convenience for our patrons. Just scan the National QR code (ie. DuitNow) available at the information counter.

Remember to key-in the payment details to identify yourself and the reason for the transaction.

However, we still accept cash payment as usual.


Staying Safe

As you visit and utilize the facilities at the LRC, please stay safe by observing the recommended SOP for prevention/spreading of the Covid-19 virus.

Use the sanitizers available at the following points, before and after using the facilities:

  • Self-check machines
  • Photocopier
  • PC room
  • Counter area

Only sit at designated areas and not move furniture around. Keep your distance and always wear a mask for your own safety and the people around you.

Always remember, prevention is better than cure.

Email notifications

If you have not been receiving email notifications such as Pre-Overdue Notice, Overdue Notice and Bills for your loans, please check your Junk Email box. It might be possible the e-mail system suspect such emails from the LRC is a spam mail.

Alternatively, you may check for due dates via your LRC accounts in Enterprise.


Studying at home

As you continue to study online off campus, please note that if you have any loans due from 2 Nov it will be automatically renewed. You can also check your account or renew any loans on your own via Enterprise. Even though the LRC is closed you can get in touch with us through email lrc@reading.edu.my

For any outstanding debts please check with the counter staff before payment when you are allowed back to the campus.



Selling Books Online

Have you ever wonder what to do with your used books? Well, wonder no more. You can sell them online at www.spartext.com. Register yourself with event code READINGU and start uploading your titles. Who knows, someone might just be interested to buy them.

You may also list other items such as calculators and lab coats.

For the full terms and conditions and the selling process please refer to the website.

Tips to Destress after Exam

Now that you’ve completed or almost completed your examinations, it is time to destress or unwind.

Here are a few very good advice to do just that.


The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

~ William James, (January 11, 1842 – August 26, 1910)  American philosopher and psychologist.