Thanks to those of you who have helped formulate the draft plan. The overall plan is to have four main themes: Neotropics, Palaeotropics, A tropical smallholding, Challenging environments.
Neotropics will include bromeliads, wet loving cacti, Giant mexican horsetail, passion flowers, and others.
Palaeotropics will include Cinchona (Qunine), Elephant Fern, birds nest fern, a range of orchids etc.
Tropical smallholding: banana, papaya, pineapple, guava, sweet potato and others.
Extreme habitats will include carnivorous plants (Nepenthes, Heliamphora, Utricularia), epiphytes, epiliths, deep shade plants.
The central pond will showcase nutrient loving species: water hyacinth, Nelumbo or Nymphaea
The side pond will be acid and low in nutrients and include Utricularia or Aldrovanda