Master’s Study at Reading

During this challenging time, we know you may have concerns over your future career and study opportunities. To help you look forward, we have put together this article on the key information for postgraduate study.

A master’s qualification can boost your CV and can challenge you to reach your full potential. If you have loved your time here at Reading and are passionate about taking your learning to the next level, staying on for a master’s could be the perfect choice.

Online Master’s Information Evening

Find out more by attending our Online Master’s Information Evening on Wednesday 29 April, 5pm-6.30pm.

This online event is specifically for Reading undergraduates thinking about further study.

We will let you know how to apply and how to get the most from studying a master’s. We will also discuss how to fund your studies and there will be a panel of current master’s students to share their experiences. You will have the opportunity to send in your questions throughout the event.

Book your place now.

Why Reading?

As you know, the University of Reading has a global reputation and is ranked among the top 20% of world institutions (QS World University Rankings 2020). We are here to help you excel in your postgraduate studies.

  • Alumni discount. As a Reading graduate you are currently entitled to a discount on the cost of your postgraduate fees here. The discount is 10% off fees (up to a maximum of £1,000) and will be applied automatically when you apply
  • A smooth transition. Staying on can help you to focus on your studies rather than settling in at a new institution
  • Feels like home. You already know how good the student experience is here, from the sports clubs and societies, to the brilliant social life and Students’ Union
  • Excellent career prospects. 94% of our taught postgraduate students are in work or study within 6 months of graduating, and of those working full time, more than 95% are in professional or managerial positions (Destinations of Leavers From Higher Education survey 2016/17).

Our students:

Coralie Kuassi​

BA Accounting and Management, then ​ MSc Management 2017/18​

“I was in Reading for my bachelor’s and leaving for my master’s was not an option. I have built a relationship with different staff here and my lecturers are very friendly and supportive.”







Shona Redman​

BSc Zoology, then MSc Species Identification and Survey Skills 2017/18​

“After completing my undergraduate degree here, I decided to stay on and do my master’s as I loved it here so much. The staff in my department are so passionate and knowledgeable.”





Grace Connell ​

BSc Psychology, then MSc Behavioural Finance 2017/18​

“I did not consider moving to a new university because I was so content here, however changing the subject of study and joining a new department provided the element of change that people might seek when considering further study.”




Sophie Gibbons​

BSc Psychology with Neuroscience, then MSc Cognitive Neuroscience 2018/19

“The choice of MSc Cognitive Neuroscience was an easy one for me as it led on so well from my undergrad course here. The course promised a wide coverage of current research in the field with opportunity to gain specialist training in one of the leading centres of Neuroscience and Neurodynamics in the UK.”




As well as the 10% Alumni discount off your postgraduate course fees here, there are other sources of funding for master’s study:

  • Scholarships. Check our scholarships page to see if your department offers a scholarship for the course you are interested in
  • Government postgraduate Loans. Of up to £11,222
  • Future Finance loans
    • Tailored loans which can be used for living costs not fully covered by the government postgraduate loans
    • Further information.

Next steps

  • Attend our Online Master’s Information Evening on Wednesday 29 April
  • Apply for 2020 entry. The University is still accepting applications to start studying in September 2020. Application for our postgraduate courses is made directly through our online application service.
  • Search our courses. Don’t forget, in many cases you can study a different subject at master’s level to the area you are currently studying for your degree. Visit our postgraduate study pages and use the ‘Find a subject’ button for a list of all our master’s courses
  • Ask us a question. Send us an enquiry about studying a master’s here using our ask us a question form.
  • Interested in PhD study? Visit our Graduate School’s website to find out more.


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