Studying @ home? Follow our top 5 study tips

Studying at home requires self-discipline, organisation and effective time management strategies. Follow our Study Advice top 5 tips to make the most of your study time at home.


Tip #1: Set up your home office      

Make sure you have somewhere dedicated to studying. Set up your desk and keep your device, books, paper and stationery to hand. Try to keep the space separate from where you relax, even if it is just a corner in your bedroom. Leave it tidy, so it is more inviting to return to the next day.


Tip #2: Create a study timetable

It’s important to allocate time to study (and time to relax and do exercise). Think about when in the day you’re more effective (for most this is the morning). You might want to consider, for instance, taking a couple of hours off every afternoon to take some exercise and return to your studies in the early evening. Make sure you add in regular breaks and rewards along the way. For more on creating a timetable watch this short video.


Tip #3: Set yourself weekly goals

It’s important to know what you hope to achieve each week – especially if you are working on a project like a dissertation or revising for exams. Goals help to ensure we stay on track but also help to motivate us to keep going and give us that sense of achievement. Work backwards from your deadlines to determine where you want to be at the end of each week. If you have a shorter deadline (like an assignment to write in a week), set yourself some daily goals instead. This video will help you to do this.


Tip #4: Work with others

During these times, it’s important to continue to connect with others. Keep in touch with peers and motivate each other. Arrange daily catch-ups, virtual coffee chats or perhaps some revision groups, where you can test each other’s understanding. Do share your study goals too, as you are more likely to strive to meet them once you’ve declared them.


Tip #5: Use the advice and support available

It might feel that you’re on your own, but all the central services are still running. Keep in touch with your Academic and Course Tutor if you need any support with your subject.


  • We, Study Advice, continue to offer 1-2-1 appointments on organising projects and revision via Teams.
  • Your Academic Liaison Librarians can advise you on finding suitable online literature and referencing during this homeworking period – email them or book a virtual 1-2-1. 
  • You can get help with your Maths questions here.

Make the most of the support and expertise on offer and ensure you get the grades you deserve.


Dr Sonia Hood, FHEA, Study Advice Manager, Study Advice & Maths Support

University of Reading Library, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AE  0118 378 4614 :

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