The coronavirus lockdown has changed the way we work individually, with our own teams and with other teams at the University. Whether we are working from home or are working on the campus, each of us is adapting in our own way to these changed circumstances. Under these circumstances it’s particularly important we take the time to look after our wellbeing and understand how our day to day routine can affect this. The SportsPark has produced this short guide on how to stay healthy at home.
David Givens is the Fitness and Sports Manager and would usually be helping to run the SportsPark. We spoke with him about how we can keep healthy during the lockdown:
“Many of us are missing our usual experience of keeping fit or perhaps have more time on our hands to exercise now. But it’s not a good idea to just grab some household items and start exercising with them. To help with this, we’ve created a series of exercises, from yoga to core work outs. But getting the balance right is important too so don’t just do one type of exercise, especially if you’re not used to it. As most of us are spending a lot more time at our computer screens, making sure that you take some mental rest is essential and exercise is a good way to do this.”
“One of the great things about being part of the University is being able to tap into expert input around food and nutrition. We made two short videos to help people understand the effects of changes in lifestyle many of us have had recently. Professor Ian Givens, speaks about the importance of vitamin D and Professor Glen Gibson gives us an up to date guide on how to maintain good gut health.”
“Essentially anyone can join in with doing this, just make the best of your space and be aware of the mental health benefits of exercise.”
All of the at home exercises have been made available as videos on YouTube, Instagram or via the SportsPark app.