A Helpline for Anyone Affected by the Attack in Reading

Affected by the attack in Reading? Access free support from No5. Text Talk followed by your first name to No4 Community Helpline on 07786202430

The team at No5 Young People are deeply saddened and moved by the attack in Forbury Gardens on Saturday evening. We wanted to do something to help our community through this difficult time.

Alyson Brickley, Director at No5 said: “As the team at No5 Young People heard about the horrific attack in Forbury Gardens our thoughts immediately went to those directly affected and their families. Our deepest sympathies go to them. 

She went on to explain: “We also realise this touches our whole community in Reading and wanted to do what we can to ease the pain, worry and anxiety. We have therefore opened up our Helpline to everybody who has been affected by this attack, directly or indirectly. You can speak in confidence to a trained counsellor and receive free support. It’s for our whole community, young and old. Perhaps you witnessed it, know one of the victims, had a friend who was in Forbury Gardens, was part of the protest earlier that day or part of the emergency response. It’s for anyone. Just text TALK followed by your first name to 07786 202430 to arrange a time to talk.”

How to access the free Reading Community Helpline?

  • Text TALK followed by your first name to 07786 202430 to request a phone call from one of our trained counsellors.
  • The support line will be available between 17:00 and 20:00, Monday – Friday.
  • A counsellor will call you back to offer support – our hope will be to respond later the same day, but depending on demand it may be the following day.
  • Calls will last up to 30 minutes.
  • This service is not counselling, but an opportunity to get support from qualified counsellors and talk about how you’re feeling following the attack in Reading on Saturday 20th June.

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