What is Supporting our Students?
Back in spring 2020 the University, in partnership with RUSU, launched ‘Supporting our Students’ (SOS) helping students through the global pandemic and the closure of UoR campuses. Now in October, SOS is back to help by connecting you to a fellow student or university staff member, helping you feel more connected to the UoR community. For students, this could be a chat over email, a cup of tea over video chat, or help finding the answers to some of your queries or worries.
In spring, over 300 staff and students volunteered for SOS in just two weeks, supporting over 60 students in a range of different ways. The scheme was mutually beneficial to those involved – students valued the scheme during the exam period and appreciated the practical support, while volunteers said the scheme helped them feel they were doing something to help during the pandemic.
In October onwards SOS will continue to help all students by offering a personal service, helping them through all aspects of university life, in an unprecedented time.
If you feel you would like support – maybe you just need a chat, then get involved in SOS by filling out the online form. The scheme is open to all students regardless of your situation.
“Usually It is easy to receive support from close friends and family, however since the pandemic, it had got a lot harder. From my own personal experience on having been isolated for 14 days on arrival from Dubai, I have first-hand experience knowing how valuable it could have been to make a new virtual buddy in this time to be there a little bit of emotional support. I am so happy for everyone, staff and students who have volunteered their time to help alll students find their footing. And I am proud of the students who seeked support. Formulating and maintaining relationships from across the world is of huge importance to me, and I hope that with your involvement of the SoS scheme, it will be of importance to you too.” – Rachel Wates, RUSU Diversity Officer
“We hope that by knowing someone is there to help them we can provide reassurance and stop students falling through the gaps created by COVID-19.” – Anne-Marie Henderson, Director of Student Success and Engagement
Thank you for reading, UoR Student Services & RUSU.