#ChooseToChallenge – International Women’s Day

Purple background. Light pink text: International Women's Day 2021. Illustrations of women at the bottom

What does choose to challenge mean to you? How will you choose to challenge to help create an inclusive world?

Today marks 2021’s International Women’s Day. Throughout today and this week, we will be sharing information from across the university – stories, blogs and videos to help you learn more.

We will also be taking about Never OK – a campaign between the University of Reading and RUSU to take a stand against bullying, harassment and discrimination.

What is International Women’s Day?

“International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality.

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women’s Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to:

  • celebrate women’s achievements
  • raise awareness about women’s equality
  • lobby for accelerated gender parity
  • fundraise for female-focused charities”


What is the theme this year?

This years theme is #ChoosetoChallenge – Challenging to make the world a better place for women, to “challenge inequality, call out bias, question stereotypes, and help forge an inclusive world.”

Why celebrate it?

Anyone can celebrate International Women’s Day and honour remarkable contributions to our society. This positive protest recognises the need to continue to build more equitable societies. It’s particularly important as women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.

Notable alumni such as Edith Morley, remind us of how far women’s rights have come in the past 100 years. Appointed as Professor of English Language at Reading in 1908, she is believed to be the first woman to be awarded the title professor in an English University.

Events for you
Date/Time Time Event Register
Monday 8 March 13.00-14.25 Women@Reading Network Event: Keynote speaker, Arti Shah with introduction from Vice Chancellor Robert Van de Noort, UEB Gender Champion

“What Is Normal?” delivers a message about being different, about inclusion and about believing in yourself. It celebrates “being unique” and turning your life around on both a personal and professional level.

For more details about our keynote speaker and her motivations please see details here.

Register here.
Monday 8 March 14.30-16.00 Women@Reading Network Event: Career Conversations Series 1 (aimed at mid-late career stage academic staff, i.e. Associate Professors and Professors)

If the current situation with COVID has prompted thoughts about where you want to go next in developing your career, we are offering some opportunities to listen to and talk with some senior women colleagues to learn from their experiences and exchange ideas. Women’s career paths are often different to those of our male colleagues, and we have developed strategies for success which have often emerged as we responded to challenges and barriers we faced along the way. ‘Career Conversations’ are informal sessions in which speakers give brief insights into their job, and how they got to that point in their career. This is then followed by a general discussion with a Q&A.

This event will be limited to 50 people.

Register here.
Monday 8 March 10.15 – 11.00 International Women’s Day Webinar

Hosted by Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion (ENEI)

This free webinar will follow this year’s theme of #ChooseToChallenge. You will hear about the experiences of a panel of women at different stages in their career to help raise your awareness of the challenges they have faced at work.

As ENEI members, this is free for UoR staff to book onto using your @reading.ac.uk email via
this link
Monday 8 March – Friday 12 March Aspire: The Dr Sam Collins Roadshow “Stripped Back”
A free 5-day virtual event in honour of this year’s International Women’s Day theme of #choosetochallenge, aimed at unifying women to end bias and inequity around the world.“Stripped Back: On The Road” is a virtual roadshow with Dr. Sam Collins, Founder of Aspire for Equality and Host of the Stripped Back podcast, which features uninhibited and uncensored conversations with everyday women around the globe.

Each day will have a different topic:
8th March – “Choose to Challenge”
Challenging stereotypes, social norms, what’s expected by others.

9th March – “Radical Self-Care”
Mental health, well-being, and balance.

10th March – “Fearlessness”

Bravery, resilience and overcoming fear.

11th March – “Compassion & Unity”

Culture change, social impact and making a difference.

12th March – “Taking Action”

Following through, saying no and managing time.

Register here
Wednesday 10 March 15.00-16.30 Women@Reading Network Event: Career Conversations Series 2 (aimed at early career academic staff – Lecturers, Early Career Researchers & Teaching Fellows) Register here.
14.00-15.30 Women@Reading Network Event: Career Conversations Series 3 (aimed at Professional Services staff) – 2.00 – 3.30pm

If the current situation with COVID has prompted thoughts about where you want to go next in developing your career, we are offering some opportunities to listen to and talk with some senior women colleagues to learn from their experiences and exchange ideas. Women’s career paths are often different to those of our male colleagues, and we have developed strategies for success which have often emerged as we responded to challenges and barriers we faced along the way. ‘Career Conversations’ are informal sessions in which speakers give brief insights into their job, and how they got to that point in their career. This is then followed by a general discussion with a Q&A.

Each event will be limited to 50 people.


Register here.





Friday 12 March


12.00-13.00 Women@Reading Network Event: Ted Talk Cinema Club – “6 Essential lessons for Women Leaders”

During this lunchtime event, attendees will watch a Ted Talk and follow this with a discussion about the talk’s key ideas and themes. This event is for Network members only.

Register here.

Reading University Students’ Union (RUSU) are also hosting some events for students. Head over to rusu.co.uk for more information or get in touch with Rachel Wates, RUSU Diversity Officer 2020/21 at diversityofficer@rusu.co.uk.


#NeverOK is a joint campaign by the University of Reading and Reading University Students’ Union (RUSU).

Together we are committed to ensuring an inclusive, supportive and respectful environment for all, as set out in our Student Charter, and believe that any form of bullying, harassment or discrimination is #NeverOk.

During International Women’s Day we want to make sure you know what to do if you experience or witness any of these behaviours, please visit the #NeverOk page to find out more.

Resources this International Women’s Day

I will end this blog by leaving you with the same thought: What does choose to challenge mean to you? How will you choose to challenge to help create an inclusive world?

Save this design and add your own – tag us on Twitter (@UniRdg_Student) and Instagram (@uor_studentlife)

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