Transcript availability update

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Act now – Important information about transcript availability

The University is unable to issue transcripts for current students from the start of the exam period, (Tuesday 20 April), until final results have been posted. This is to prevent transcripts being issued with marks that have yet to be finalised/confirmed.

The relevant dates for this year will be:

  • Tuesday 20th April 2021 at 9am – No transcripts will be issued from this date
  • Monday 12th July 2021 at 9am – Transcripts can be issued on or after this date

Please Note: There will also be a later transcript embargo ending 9am on Wednesday 21 July for awards for BA CDL finalists and PGCE/ProfGCE; progression for BA(Ed) Parts 1 and 2 due to their Awarding/Progression Boards taking place later in July 2021.

The University is currently in the process of improving its system for transcript availability for students via self-service on the RISIS Web Portal and it is hoped that interim transcripts will become available for current undergraduate students over the coming weeks that will show finalised marks only for students.

Students can either download the transcript on the RISIS web portal from the self-service action, or contact their Support Centre/ Student Services Reception.

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