Study Advice have been posting exam revision tips over on the Student Life Instagram for the last 6 weeks, you can find them all on our highlights/grid and listed below! To everyone still undertaking exams good luck! And to everyone now finished enjoy the summer and remember to take part in #UoRCelebrate!
Tip no.1 Can’t get started with revision?
Our top tip: convince yourself to work for just five minutes. Once you’ve started you may be able to keep going. If not, at least you have achieved five minutes of work. More advice on getting started on your revision here:
Tip no.2 Don’t know where to begin?
Break your modules down into topic areas. Prioritise the areas for revision based upon past papers, what you know and areas of importance. You can’t revise everything so cover fewer topics in more depth. Start with what you already know and workout what you need to understand. For more advice on studying for exams watch this video on revising for exams
Tip no.3 How to make the most of the time you have left to revise
Revise actively and use past papers to practise applying your knowledge. Whilst your exams will probably take a different form to previous years, you can still make effective use of past papers ( to test your understanding and application of knowledge. Above all, don’t waste time re-writing out your notes or just reading through content; these are passive techniques and are unlikely to help.
Tip no.5 Bored with your revision?
Make sure you revise actively and mix up different study methods. Don’t just sit there reading your notes. Instead, try making mind maps, work with friends to test your knowledge or listen to podcasts.
Mixing up different ways of learning not only helps to keep you engaged, but is an effective way of learning, remembering, and ultimately being able to recall information.
Tip no.5 How long should you study for?
Set yourself a goal of studying for 25 minutes, as research suggest we study more effectively in these short bursts. Put your phone on silent. Have a 5 minute break before starting again. When you’ve completed 3 x 25 minute blocks, take a longer break (you can now check your phone). This timer can help.
Tip no.6 What revision techniques work best?
Whether you use memory techniques like mnemonics, acronyms and cue cards or practise answering longer questions very much depends on the format of the exam you’re about to take. Revise appropriately for the type of exam you are sitting, be it a multiple-choice paper, short answer questions or essay style answers. Find out what format your exam will take and check out our range of videos for different types of exams
Make sure you check out the Study Advice pages online to find out more about Study Advice and how they can help you. You can also watch this video from Laura to find out more.
Remember the Masters Dissertation Fayre is coming up 7-11th June so go check it out and book now. You can also read the latest Study Advice blog ‘Starting your dissertation? Follow our top 5 study tips’
Thank you for reading, we hope to see you at the Masters Dissertation Fayre.
Study Advice