Learning about ADHD and Pattern Perception: Could you take part?

White background with yellow shape. Text in Black: Be part of ADHD research!

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the UK

Ask most people about ADHD and you’re likely to get a summary of symptoms seen in childhood. Awareness of symptoms in adulthood, however, remains lower with charity ADHD Action stating that the UK has just 120,000 adults formally diagnosed with ADHD, despite an estimated 1.5 million adults living with the condition in the UK.

Our Aims

As two soon-to-be Speech and Language Therapists, our dissertation research is investigating language processing in 18–65-year-olds, looking into any reliable differences in pattern recognition between those with a diagnosis of ADHD and those without.

Speech and Language Therapists’ work crosses into many other disciplines. With this multidisciplinary mindset, we hope to better understand language processing in ADHD and potentially contribute to its clinical identification in adults.

Could you Take Part?

We’re recruiting adults with and without ADHD to take part in a short online task taking approximately 30 minutes. You must have access to a keyboard.

What it Involves

You’ll be asked to complete some questionnaires before performing a task, where you’ll press keyboard buttons depending on the colour of a dot that appears on screen.

We recommend that colour-blind individuals do not volunteer for this study, as the task requires you to differentiate between red and blue shapes.

Next steps

Please complete the experiment by following this link. As well as doing the experiment yourself, if you know anyone aged 18-65 with a diagnosis of ADHD who might want to join, please spread the word.

If you have any questions about the study, feel free to contact us at h.c.eccles@student.reading.ac.uk and n.jackson@student.reading.ac.uk.

Deadline for participation

If you can take part, please ensure you do so by Sunday 15th August 2021, 23:59pm. Please note, this study has received ethical approval by the University of Reading Research Ethics Committee, project 2021-038-DS.

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