Why is community engagement with BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) people important in Higher Education?

Six Community Champions smiling and standing in front of a building

In this blog post, we are highlighting some amazing work happening through The University of Reading Student Community Champions. You can find out more about this work and about the scheme in the links within this blog:

“We are pleased to publish our latest Think-Piece on the importance of community engagement with BAMER people within Higher Education, by Alice Mpofu-Coles, Martina Mabale De Burgos, Saif Maher, and Sheldon Allen

In this blog post, Alice Mpofu-Coles, Human Geography researcher, first discusses university community work and diversity in Reading.  Martina Mable De Burgos, Saif Maher, and Sheldon Allen discuss their experiences working in the community as University of Reading students.” – Alice Mpofu-Coles, Human Geography Researcher

Why is community engagement with BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee) people important in Higher Education?

Find out more about the University of Reading Student Community Champions and how they are working with our local community:

Working with the community

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