Academic Tutors and how they can help you

A Student talking to a University staff member

Although you may have heard about your Academic Tutor, you might not be aware of all the different ways they can help you during your time at Reading. This blog will give you an overview of how your Academic Tutors can support you throughout your studies and how you can get in contact with them.

Who are Academic Tutors?

All undergraduate and postgraduate taught students are allocated an Academic Tutor – a member of academic staff in your School or Department who acts as a key point of contact throughout your degree.

Academic Tutors work in partnership with students and the University’s wider support services to support your academic, personal, and professional development.

How can Academic Tutors help you?

Your Academic Tutor works with you to:
• Formulate plans to support your academic and personal development.
• Help you make decisions in relation to your course.
• Connect you with other academics in your field of study.
• Help you make the most of the wide range of development opportunities on offer.
• Direct you to other University support services as appropriate.

Find out how to make the most of your Academic tutor meetings by heading over to our Academic Tutor Toolkit pages on Essentials to get tips on how to make sure your meetings are beneficial.

How can I get in contact with my Academic Tutor?

Students are allocated an Academic Tutor in Welcome Week when they first join the University. If your Academic Tutor leaves the University or changes role, your School will contact you to let you know who your new Academic Tutor is.

If you’re not sure who your Academic Tutor is, you can find out on the RISIS portal (select ‘Programme and Modules’, then ‘Programme Information’). Alternatively, you can contact your Support Centre.

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