Do you want to find out ways that you can live more sustainably? Green Festival is University of Reading’s annual sustainability celebration – this year we are hosting a range of different events so there is something for everyone.
Join Sustainability Services from 1 to 11 November 2022 for a range of green sustainability events. Highlights for students include:
- A green panel careers event where you can meet local employers and find out more about the many opportunities for future employment within sustainability
- Student green societies volunteering fayre where you can meet representatives from the many sustainability focused groups and find out how you can be more involved – green your CV!
- Attend a low carbon energy tour where you will be shown how the University is embracing renewable technology to make us one of the greenest universities in the UK
- Take part in our Day of Cycling where you can take part in a range of different cycle tours, get your bike checked for winter for free and find out about our fantastic free cycle training.
- Take part in our low carbon main meal recipe competition and win a Catering meal voucher for 2!
- Come along to our sustainable travel day where you can explore all the different ways you can travel more sustainably and how to save money.
- Meet the experts from the RUSU Advice service and Citizens Advice to find out how you can save money on your energy bills this winter and be more sustainable.
- Take action to make a difference in our local community by coming along to our litter pick.
Check out the full programme of events and sign up links on the Green Festival events homepage.
You can earn Green Points on the student Doing #UoR Bit simply by attending one (or more!) of our Green Festival events. Find out more about our sustainable action platform for students.
We have partnered with the RED Sustainable Action award and you will also find that by attending our events you can potentially use this as evidence for your award.