Halfway there! Tips to get through Dry January

A student playing pool in Park Bar.

Struggling with your Dry January challenge, or just wondering what it’s all about? Abi has some tips on how to stick with your goal of a booze-free January, and explores the benefits of reducing our alcohol consumption.

So you’ve celebrated the winter holiday and you’ve decided to try out Dry January. But we’re halfway through the month, and you’re tempted to head to Park Bar and give up. Or perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this article and want to attempt a half-dry January…

It’s often too easy to lose motivation. Here are some top tips to help you through the rest of the month:

  1. Remind yourself why. It’s often too easy to focus on the difficulty, and the days may feel like they’re dragging along. But you’re halfway! Focus on the reasons you are doing this. Want to improve your health? Consuming less alcohol allows your body to reset and even get better sleep. And a month of no alcohol is a month of no hangovers. Are you trying to save money post-Christmas? Some are doing Dry January to raise money for charity. Focus on your purpose for Dry January and remind yourself when you lose motivation or are finding it difficult.
  2. Get Involved. Divert your energy into a hobby you have neglected or try something new. You’ve got more time now, so why not try something new! Join a society, start a LinkedIn course or read a new book. As you keep yourself busy, you forget that you’ve had 31 days of no alcohol.
  3. Treat yourself! A month of no alcohol can save you some serious money. You can transfer this straight to your savings account or treat yourself. Go out for a nice meal or do some online shopping and buy those shoes you’ve been looking out for. Why not go explore nearby cities- London, Oxford and Bath are only a short train journey away.
  4. Ask for Help. It’s very difficult to attempt Dry January when you’re tempted by cheap drinks, start of term socials and general student settings. Let your friends and family know you are doing a Dry January and ask for help and encouragement. Maybe get a friend to do it with you or get yourself involved with them. This will make it a lot easier!

The charity championing Dry January is Alcohol Change UK, who approximate that there is an alcohol-related death in the UK every hour! Whether it’s the classic Park Bar snakebite or a glass of wine- remember to drink responsibly. Good luck!

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