Having had another wonderful week in Eger, Hungary I am once again refreshed and revitalised in the world of powdery mildew.
Many interesting lectures and seminars were delivered covering established knowledge of powdery mildew morphology and new findings of phloygenetic approaches. The lecture of Gábor Kovács covering the weaknesses of online sequencing resources and the importance of perfect primary data sources was particularly enlightening.
I was able to present the paper of leading powdery mildew phylogeneticist Susumu Takamatsu and believe I did it justice. On the final day Levente was kind enough to allow me some moments of pride/embarassment by showing my winning performance in the Reading Uni Science Slam.
My thanks must go out to Levente Kiss and the local powdery mildew team for all their hard work in organising the event as well as the main speakers. Participants came from Algeria, Czech Republic, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and the UK to participate.