Professor Chris Hilson discusses two papers at the virtual IPSA 2020 panel on climate litigation

In September 2020, Professor Chris Hilson was a discussant for two papers at the virtual IPSA 2020 panel on climate litigation, which was meant to be taking place in Lisbon, but which was reconvened and hosted virtually by the London School of Economics. The papers were interdisciplinary, across Politics, Anthropology, Law, and Geography and covered a wide range of topics within – and approaches to – climate change litigation, including misleading information, human and nature-based rights challenges, Latin America, and public participation.

Dr Peter Coe’s book chapter – ‘A comparative analysis of the treatment of corporate reputation in Australia and the UK’

Dr Peter Coe has written a chapter entitled ‘A comparative analysis of the treatment of corporate reputation in Australia and the UK’ for Professor András Koltay’s and Dr Paul Wragg’s edited collection Comparative Privacy and Defamation which has been published by Edward Elgar Publishing. The chapter critically analyses the Australian restriction on companies pursuing defamation claims, compared to the UK position, in which companies have a stronger, albeit imperfect right. It argues that both jurisdictions undervalue the significance of corporate reputation and its importance in the global economy.

The Global South Dialogue on Economic and Financial Crime Network – Inaugural conference

Dr. Folashade Adeyemo is co-hosting the inaugural conference of The Global South Dialogue on Economic and Financial Crime Network due to take place on Saturday 12th September, 2020.

This conference welcomes abstracts on contextualized regulatory reforms with the aim of resolving existing asymmetries and strengthening financial crime regulations in the Global South.

Abstracts submissions can be on the following themes:

  • Money Laundering Regulation
  • Tax Evasion and Avoidance
  • Financial Regulation
  • Terrorist Financing
  • Tax Expenditures
  • Whistleblowing
  • Asset Recovery
  • Corruption
  • Bribery
  • Fraud
  • The Intersection between Financial and Economic crimes
  • International Economic Law (broadly speaking)

Please send an abstract of no more than 500 words. Please also provide a CV or brief resume and your current affiliation. Deadline for submission is 31st May 2020.

Abstracts should be sent to and/or

See here for more details.