Managing Academic Pressure talk

The ‘Life Tools’ talks are run for all students.  The next talks are:

‘Managing academic pressure’ this is being given on Tuesday 13 October at 3.00pm, in Carrington 101. It will provide advice on strategies to manage the demands of your course and advice on how to meet deadlines.  This is followed by a talk ‘Understanding stress’ on Wednesday 14 October at 4.00pm, in Carrington 101 which offers information on the ways to minimise the effect of stress and maintain your health.

There is no need to book a place – students should just turn up on the day.

Last year, students gave their views on these talks. One student who attended the talk on Managing academic pressure said: ‘It was very helpful and motivational, there were a lot of useful tips!’
While another attending the Understanding stress talk commented: ‘MUST GO! I was apprehensive about the relevance of this talk to me as I hardly get stressed, but I did go and I learnt so many new things, it has helped me immensely.’


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