Category Archives: Countries

Tradescantia spathacea – Moses in a basket

Tradescantia spathacea (also known as Rhoeo spathacea and Rhoeo discolor) has the common name Moses-in-a-Basket due to the shape of the bract arounf the inflorescences.  This distinctive Mexican species has dark green upper surfaces to the leaves and a bright … Continue reading

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Saccharum officinarum – Sugar Cane

Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) originates in New Guinea but the genus Saccharum has a wider origin including areas of South and Southeast Asia and much cultivated sugar cane is of hybrid origin.  Saccharum officinarum is a grass species in the tribe … Continue reading

Posted in Asia, Crops, Species | 1 Comment

Carica papaya – Papaya

Papaya is the fruit of the species Carica papaya, the widely cultivated species in the genus Carica. This tropical American native was first cultivated in Mexico before the emergence of classic civilisations.  The genus Carica has traditionally been treated as … Continue reading

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Asplenium nidus – Bird’s nest fern

Of the Aspleniaceae family, from Australia and Asia, this fern grows to a large size! Up to 2m in diameter, and occurs commonly as an epiphyte on large trees.  It is sometimes called a litter basket fern because it’s cone … Continue reading

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Chlorophytum comosum – Spider plant

Within the glasshouse we have two variegated forms of Chlorophytum comosum. C.comosum ‘Vittatum’ with mid-green leaves and a broad central white stripe and C.comosum ‘Variegatum’ with darker green leaves and a white margin.

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Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’

This is the cultivar with a central green band and white edges.  Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegatum’ has a greater tendency to go brown at the leaf tips than its sister cultivar ‘Vittatum‘ but otherwise seems just as robust.  For fuller information … Continue reading

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Chlorophytum comosum ‘Vittatum’

Chlorophytum comosum ‘Vittatum’ is the spider plant with a white stripe down the middle of the leaf.  It is known as a very tolerant houseplant due to the thick fleshy roots that make it resistant to drying out and it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Species | 1 Comment

Averrhoa carambola – Starfruit

Carambola or starfruit is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola in the Oxalidaceae. It is a popular food, originating from South-east asia and the South pacific. The fruit are ridged with five edges so that when cut the cross section resembles … Continue reading

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Abelmoschus esculentus – Okra

Okra is a member of the Malvaceae along with cotton and Hibiscus.  It is grown as an annual crop from which the unripe fruit are harvested.

Posted in Asia, Crops, Species | 1 Comment

Water Lettuce

A member of the Araceae, Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) is a problem floating plant of tropical waterways.  The native origin and spread of the species is not known but it has been recorded in both the New and Old World … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Asia, Australia, Palaeotropics, Pond, Species, Water Plants | 2 Comments