Tag Archives: Orchid

A natural Frankestein: the orchid hybrid, Epidendrum x obrienianum

Humankind has always dreamed of chimeras, the Frankenstein´s monster or flying pigs. All this can actually happen in the plant world!! (although they cannot still fly). Many orchid growers have produced astonishing plants that can fascinate the human eye and … Continue reading

Posted in Americas, Countries, Evolution, Learning and Teaching, Monocots, Students | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ludisia discolor, the foliage plant orchid

Ludisia discolor really is an orchid, although if you see it with no flowers, or without a label, you could be forgiven for thinking it wasn’t. Assuming it isn’t an orchid is very understandable, as it grows in soil, unlike … Continue reading

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The flowering tree nymph in the greenhouse

There’s a special orchid in flower right now in the tropical greenhouse. Its name is Dryadella pusiola, and it’s special because its flowers are very, very small. Small enough to be dwarfed by a 5p! This orchid is the first … Continue reading

Posted in Americas, Countries, Mexico, Monocots, Species | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment