The TSBE has a wide range of exciting research projects happening within its centre. All of which involve multidisciplinary research and collaboration with industry to help resolve real-world problems.
Our first researcher to go under the spotlight is Ana Rodriguez-Arguelles.
About Ana
Ana Rodriguez is a Doctoral Research Engineer in the TSBE Centre with experience in the field of sensing and data analysis for energy management in buildings. Ana Rodriguez holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Physics from the University of Córdoba (Spain) and an MSc in “Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability” from the University of Reading (UK).Prior to her current role, Ana was employed at the Spanish National Research Council (Madrid, Spain) as a researcher on the project ‘Saving Energy and Emission Reduction in Buildings’. Her current doctoral project is in collaboration with AECOM Infrastructure & Environment UK. This research involves the development of new Smart Meter monitoring techniques to improve energy audit methods in buildings.
Ana was also a peer reviewer for the 2nd International Conference on New Energy and Future Energy System (NEFES 2017) and currently works as a teaching assistant for the Empirical Studies course (2016/17) in the School of Built Environment, University of Reading.
Ana is currently supervised within the University by Associate Prof. Ben Potter and Dr Stefan Smith.
Anas publications so far
Essah, E. A., Rodriguez Arguelles, A. and Glover, N. (2014) Assessing the performance of a building integrated BP c-Si PV system. Renewable Energy, 73. pp. 36-45. ISSN 0960-1481 doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2014.04.002
Conference: 2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON) Leuven, Belgium,
“Small power load dis-aggregation in office buildings based on electrical signature classification”
Conference: CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium 2017. Delivering Resilient High Performance Buildings, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK;
“Sensibility analysis for small power energy assessments under the TM22 audit framework”
If You want to find out more about Ana
LinkedIn –üelles-69581150
ResearchGate –
TSBE profile –
Or her supervisors
Associate Prof. Ben Potter –
Dr Stefan Smith –
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