Take part – The Student Sessions podcast

Headphones, close up. Background image - green sound waves.

We are looking for students interested in taking part in a podcast episode of The Student Sessions, hosted by Tonia Galat on the topics that matter to you as students and graduates. Past episodes have covered subjects such as How to Develop a Competitive Edge (Sheffield Hallam University), Maximising your first and second year at university (Nottingham Trent University) and Placements and Disclosing Disability (University of Hertfordshire). You can listen to all of the episodes here.



Podcasting is a fantastic opportunity to raise your voice and view on a whole range of topics, allowing you to share your knowledge, views and values to all of the listeners.


Everyone is welcome whether you have thought about podcasting before, been a guest on a podcast, or perhaps you are a complete novice to the concept, it doesn’t matter – this opportunity will help you build confidence in a safe environment.


If you are interested and want to find out more, get in contact with Tonia Galati by the 27th July Tonia@tgconsultingltd.co.uk. It is a great chance to discuss your ideas and to help and support other students, what’s not to love?!


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