One year on…Submit your story

Blue background. Handwritten grey text 'One year on...'

“Same storm, different boat”

It has been a challenging year for us all; lockdowns, shortage of toilet roll and pasta in supermarkets, masks, and separation from friends/family – our experiences may have similar key moments and themes, but the last year has been very different for us all.

One year on from the first restrictions we are looking back and reflecting. Students and staff are invited to share their own experiences and stories – the good, the challenging and the hopeful.

To take part you will need to submit a short personal blog, 500 words, or record a video (horizontally) on your phone video diary-style – we will do the rest.

You can also take part by submitting a quote, a piece of artwork, a photograph, a poem or a statement to our Padlet board, something that represents the last year for you.

Your submissions will be posted on our blogs, social media and other university channels.

Email to share your experiences or ask any questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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