Love your Libraries Day!

Two students in the Library Cafe.

It’s time to celebrate our libraries! February 18th is ‘Love your Libraries’ Day.

Did you know the University Library and its staff can support your studies, providing you with access to information and the skills to make the most of it? This blog will highlight all the amazing services and opportunities available for you in the library throughout your time here. 

Academic Liaison Librarian 

Your Academic Liaison Librarian is your main point of contact with the Library – every subject offered at Reading has one. They can help you make effective use of the huge range of resources the Library has to offer in support of your studies by: 

  • Showing you how to use information resources effectively – your librarian can offer training sessions for your School/Department and online library guides for your subject 
  • Showing you how to save time by making the most of all our Library services 
  • Giving you individual help with research – your librarian can offer in depth one-to-one help in finding information, including identifying the most relevant e-resources for you to use 

If you’re not sure who your Academic Liaison Librarian is, you can find out who on the Library website Academic Liaison Librarian

Computing facilities 

Computing facilities in the Library are managed by Digital Technology Services (DTS) aka IT Services. They can be used by anyone with a valid University of Reading username and password. 

Facilities available 


There are over 140 PCs available in the Library. These are mostly located on the 1st Floor, with a few available on other floors. 

Printing and scanning 

Multifunctional devices (MFDs) can print, copy or scan and are available on all floors of the Library, except the 5th Floor. Send your printing from any PC and pick it up on any MFD across campus by logging in using your Campus Card. 

Study Spaces in the Library 

Group Study Spaces 

There are specific areas where groups can discuss their work. 

  • Ground Floor – including a table giving priority for those with children, see the Library’s family facilities page for more information. 
  • 1st Floor – this PC area also has eight bookable group study rooms for groups of 2 or more people.  They may be used on a first-come first-served basis when not booked.  Book a group study room here. and please visit the group study room booking guide for further assistance. 
  • 2nd Floor – group study area and pods 
  • 4th Floor – group study area and pods 

Individual, quiet study space 

Many of the study spaces in the Library are intended for individual, quiet study. 

  • Ground Floor – quiet study and Holds area 
  • 2nd Floor – desks around the outside of the book shelves 
  • 3rd Floor – this whole floor is for quiet study 
  • 4th Floor – desks around the outside of the book shelves 

Silent study and Study areas with PCs 

If you want to work in silence, make your way to the 5th Floor. There are also some PCs in the silent study area on the 5th Floor. The 1st Floor also has a large area of space with PCs. 

Alternative study space 

You are welcome to use informal study spaces in communal areas of buildings across campus, such as the Hopkins Foyer and Edith Morley Foyer 

Some Schools have dedicated study spaces for their students – speak to your Support Centre or Academic Tutor to find out more. 

Here is a list of alternative study spaces that you can use across campuses

Study Advice and Maths Support 

Study Advice 

Study Advice is based within the Library on the Whiteknights campus. They work with students to develop the academic skills needed for university level study. They also support students, across all disciplines from undergraduate to PhD level, to help them achieve the academic success they deserve. 

Study Advice offers a range of services including: 

  • Videos and guides 
  • Webinars 
  • Individual advice sessions 
  • Drop-in sessions 
  • Peer advice and guidance – ASK advisers 

Maths Support 

If you’re finding any mathematical topic difficult during the transition to University study, the Library have an extensive list of worksheets, guides and links to video tutorials which you can access at any time to practice and develop your mathematical skills. 

4 tips of how to make the most the Library as a student 

  1. Make a plan on what you want to do whilst at the Library – It helps to make a rough list of the things you want to whilst you’re at the library so you can stay focused and make the most of your time there. 
  1. Consider what type of working environment you need – Depending on what work you are completing, you might need different working environments to complete it. For example, if you have an essay due in 2 days that you’ve only just started, it’s probably best to be in an area with minimum distractions. This is where knowing what type of study each floor accommodates for is really useful! 
  1. Make sure to take regular breaks – It’s very easy to burnout by trying to do all your work at once, which in the end leads to you do less work over all. A good study method to try is the Pomodoro Technique where you work for 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break and repeat. This helps to improve your attention span and concentration without mental exhaustion.  
  1. Don’t forget the services available for you! – Make the most of the large range of support available for you within the library. They are able to offer you expert advice on developing your academic skills, as well as being able to help with essay writing, exam revision, time management and much more! 

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