Sun, Fun, and Fitness: How to Stay Active This Summer Break- Audrey Leung

The summer break is finally here, and it’s time to say goodbye to lectures and seminars and hello to some well-deserved relaxation. While it might be tempting to spend the days lounging around binge-watching Netflix or scrolling through social media, it’s super important to stay active. Keeping moving during the break can do wonders for both your body and mind. So, here are some fun tips to keep you energised and on the go this summer.

Partake in Outdoor activities

With the sun shining bright, take advantage of the beautiful outdoors. Whether it’s going for a hike in the nearby countryside, cycling around the city or strolling in the park, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the summer weather while getting some exercise. There are plenty of green spaces in around the Reading area that you can visit.

For more of an adventure why not explore the scenic beauty of the Lake District with a hike up Scafell Pike or enjoy a bike ride along the stunning coastal paths of Cornwall. The Peak District offers some incredible walking trails too!

Growing up in Hong Kong, I’ve always cherished moments of tranquillity amidst the urban chaos like escaping to the greenery of the New Territories for a refreshing hike along the Dragon’s Back or Lantau Peak. It’s not just a workout; it’s a chance to reconnect with nature and recharge my mind.

Join a sports club or group

The summer break is the perfect time to try out new sports or join a local sports club. Whether you’re into football, tennis, cricket or something else there are likely clubs or groups in your area welcoming new members. It’s a great way to stay active while making new friends and having fun. The Sports Park offers a whole range of sports classes and groups that you can go along to.

Set fitness goals

Use the summer break as an opportunity to set some fitness goals for yourself. Whether it’s increasing your strength or mastering a new yoga pose, having specific goals can help keep you motivated and focused on staying active. Set yourself challenges to help you reach those specific goals.

With the iconic skyline of Hong Kong, I’ve set my sights on conquering the city’s vertical challenges. From tackling the infamous stairs of the Mid-levels Escalator to steep inclines of the Peak Trail, my summer goal is to elevate my fitness level while soaking in the city’s breath-taking views.

Stay hydrated and eat well

An important part of staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is keeping hydrated and having a balanced diet. Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day, especially if you’re spending time in the sun.

With Hong Kong’s summer heat, staying hydrated is non-negotiable. I make sure to carry a water bottle everywhere I go and indulge in refreshing treats like coconut water or acai bowls to beat the heat.

Get creative with home workouts

If you can’t make it to the gym or prefer to exercise at home, there are plenty of ways to stay active without any fancy equipment. From bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats to yoga routines and online workout videos, there’s something for everyone to try from the comfort of their own home.

Living in a compact city like Hong Kong means space can be limited, but that doesn’t stop me from squeezing in a workout at home. From practicing yoga to following high-intensity interval training (HIIT) routines in my living room, there’s always a way to break a sweat without stepping foot outside.

Stay consistent

Consistency is key. Make a schedule and stick to it. Go for a morning jog, join an evening dance class or just take a daily walk. Remember, even small bursts of activity throughout the day make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.

So, there you have it—some tips to help you stay active and energized over the summer break. Whether you’re hitting the trails, hitting the gym, or simply hitting the beach with friends, make the most of your time off and keep that summer vibe going strong!

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